Alignment to Source

Free Alignment To Source Meeting

for international spiritual community
19th of August at 6 pm (Zurich Time) in Zoom

Join for a meditation to clean the energetic field and raise the collective vibrations and know more about ALIGNMENT TO SOURCE PROGRAM

Thank you for your presence and the love you bring to this world!

In order to live your great adventure, expand the potentials and possibilities of your embodiment.

Dates : From 2 October 2023 to 2 April 2024 

Weekly online meeting on Mondays from 7pm to 9.30pm

This Alignement to Source course is a 6-month continuing education program created and supervised by Jai Gopal and her team.

This course is designed for individuals who wish to know themselves, open up, deepen and align themselves, to be guided by their true self, or higher self. It helps us to remember our essence and to manifest our highest potential in all aspects of our lives.

In truth, we are all expressions of the source, but the question to ask ourselves is, what are we expressing, the will of the ego or the will of our higher self?

This course focuses on realizing what makes us happy, on who we are and what we are. Who we are, the nature of presence, awareness of higher consciousness planes. 

What we are, what inspires us, our vocation, our intention, what we came to share by incarnating.

We develop our ability to open up to new perspectives, and abandon those that limit us, and thus connect with our true creative power.

Alignment to Source Course is a course for those who wish to realize themselves and their mission.

It allows for the knowledge, acceptance, and love of oneself and others. It also allows us to remember that we have the choice in every moment to vibrate the frequencies of our being, such as peace, love, and joy. It enables us to vibrate these frequencies and embody our true creative power in all aspects of our lives.

This course offers us

  • To live the teachings of creation/source in everyday life.
  • To know the mechanisms that govern creation.
  • To learn to recognize our guidance and follow it.
  • To become more aware of limiting patterns, perspectives, fears and confusion.
  • To choose the mission of our soul and to let go of attachments, limitations, judgments, fears, both conscious and unconscious.
  • To recognize when we become misaligned and become more conscious when unconscious patterns guide our lives.
  • To choose the mission of our soul and to let go of attachments, limitations, judgments, fears, both conscious and unconscious.
  • To trust our own guidance, to follow our inspiration, to have more clarity by eliminating doubts and confusion. To be more aware of mixed frequencies held in our energy fields.
  • To live and expand our greatest possible potential at the moment and to accept and recognize when it is not.
  • To reconnect to our power of being, to be free to make choices, in full responsibility for creating our lives. To realize the creator of our creation.
  • To allow for the knowledge, acceptance, and love of oneself and others.
  • To remember that we have the choice in every moment to vibrate the frequencies of our being, such as peace, love, and joy.
  • To vibrate these frequencies and embody our true creative power in all aspects of our lives.
  • To share a space where we grow our vocation and live our greatest potential.

For whom?

This course is a course that requires your participation and commitment.

To fully benefit from this course, you commit to being as present as possible live and to listen to the replays if you cannot join the live session. To re-listen to the replays and do the practice exercises and/or meditations.

Community: You are supported in your learning, exploration, and expansion by Jai Gopal and mentors who have taken the course. You develop a relationship, support with your partner.


This course enabled me to rediscover the creative power of the consciousness that I am. I learnt to observe myself and to live and vibrate from within rather than living in the illusion of being able to find my lack on the outside. With Jai Gopal's guidance and unconditional love, I dare to be who I am.

By using our emotions as a guidance system, we learn how we operate. And then we can clean up our inner workings with the teachings, tools and non-judgemental, caring support of the group heart.

It's a direct experience, no right, no wrong, no goal to reach. It's everyone at their own pace, on their own journey, while journeying together. You let go of your weapons, your heart opens, you feel complete, there's no separation. We connect with this infinite space of love and light, effortlessly. We are part of the greater whole. We simply are.

I've also learnt that being aligned with my higher consciousness isn't just about meditation. At any moment I can choose what I want to vibrate. That's my creative power.

Thank you for my courage and perseverance.
Thank you for the kind support from the heart of the group.
Gratitude for Jai's faith and unconditional love.
Gratitude for all that is.

What you will receive:


Alignment to Source

Courses with replays
879 Or payment in 3 instalments of €303 (€909)
  • Weekly online meeting on Mondays from 7pm to 8.30pm
  • Mentoring group from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm to integrate teachings, with the guidance of mentors.
  • Tools in PDF format.
  • Audios of the teachings and activations
  • Replay of meetings and audios

One-off payment

879 €

Alignment to source


Out of stock


Payment methods:
Bank transfer or credit card

Payment in 3 instalments

Payment in 6 instalments

For further information, please contact Jai Gopal :

Email :

Phone : +41 79 758 4432