Formation Healing Rays

Level 2

Du 8 October 2022

9 October 2022

This two-day training focuses on the ego / psyche and manifesting mastery on earth. Level 2 allows one to resonate better with the Seven Male Masters and to understand the First Seven Energy Bodies, the Aspects and Shadows, and Unresolved Karma. New support and analysis tools will be introduced to enrich the healing treatment protocol.


This training is reserved for students who have already followed the level 1 universal rays training, however it is not necessary to have completed the compulsory training of the twelve sessions nor to have received his level 1 accreditation to start the level. 2.


As with level 1, you will need to practice and give twelve healing heals following the enriched level 2 protocol, then send your reports to Jai Gopal to receive your level 2 accreditation.


During the two days of training, you will receive a complementary universal shelves manual, a set of cards that will allow you to target the needs of your customers as well as a new set of laminated A4 size cards.


Formation Healing Rays niveau 2

  • Du 08 au 09 octobre

Prix en présentielle : 530 €

Prix en ligne : 435 €

Si le format de la formation choisie est en ligne, la formation sera délivré par Zoom et le lien d’accès à la formation sera disponible dans l’email de payment confirmation.